Misión de campaña
En sólo tres cortos años, logramos hitos notables sin asignar un solo dólar de nuestro presupuesto operativo. Mi mandato comenzó con una visión audaz centrada en iniciativas comunitarias que desafiarían el status quo. Junto con las fuerzas del orden y las partes interesadas clave, forjamos una comunidad más segura y resiliente, una que ayuda a quienes más la necesitan.
A través de mis iniciativas de “plantar una semilla”, abordamos cuestiones sistémicas. Si bien no están directamente relacionados con la aplicación de la ley, estos esfuerzos tienen como objetivo reducir la probabilidad de que personas ingresen a nuestro sistema de justicia penal. Nuestro principio rector: “Prevenir cuando podamos, proporcionar cuando debamos”.
Nuestra misión es muy clara: disminuir el crimen y fomentar vecindarios sólidos y prósperos. Ignorar los ciclos de pobreza que alimentan la actividad criminal no es una opción. Al abordar estos problemas subyacentes, creamos un entorno estable que evita que la delincuencia se arraigue. Nuestro compromiso con las prácticas de justicia restaurativa se basa en esta misma base. Gracias a quienes apoyan mi misión de "servir más allá del llamado"
Supporting Our Sheriff
“I am delighted to endorse Kristin Graziano for Sheriff. Over the past four years, Sheriff Graziano has revolutionized our detention centers, shifting from punitive measures to educational initiatives. The state has acknowledged these efforts by awarding half a million dollars to further develop the foundation she has established. Her approach to enriching lives and strengthening community bonds has become a model replicated nationwide. Sheriff Graziano’s leadership and vision have been transformative for our community, profoundly impacting those who need it most.”
Former Senator Marlon Kimpson
South Carolina State Senator 2013-2023
“I wholeheartedly support and endorse Sheriff Kristin Graziano. She has revolutionized the care for incarcerated individuals who will eventually rejoin our community. Her innovative programming and educational initiatives have significantly improved our engagement with those awaiting court adjudication. Sheriff Graziano’s emphasis on rehabilitation and restorative practices has positively impacted countless residents and families, making our communities safer. She is a law enforcer who combines compassionate care while focusing on changing behaviors, fostering a safe and thriving community.”
Representative Spencer Wetmore
South Carolina State Representative 2020-Current
Women in the New South (WINS), a South Carolina state-based political action committee with the sole mission of electing pro-choice Democratic women to state and county elected office is pleased to endorse you in your bid to be re-elected as Sheriff of Charleston County. Your leadership in law enforcement in our state is exemplary, and we look forward to your re-election.
Chris deVries
WINS Board of Trustees
"Sheriff Graziano is a dedicated advocate for our community, readily available to address resident concerns. Her genuine care for individuals drives her commitment to swiftly resolving local issues. The bond between our community and the Sheriff's office has never been more solid."
Mayor Chardale Murray
Mayor of Hollywood, SC
Sheriff Graziano and I hold a common view that public safety officers must adopt the role of guardians—ensuring the protection of our citizens and nurturing beneficial ties across the community. Her track record of fairness and openness is evident... Her proactive approach to contemporary issues, coupled with her efforts to confront underlying problems, marks her as an innovative leader with a clear vision for our community's progress."
Former Mayor John Tecklenburg
Mayor of Charleston ‘16-’23
"Sheriff Graziano's leadership has been instrumental in turning our town around. Under her guidance and leadership, we've seen a dramatic decrease in crime in the past 3 years. Our deputies and our Sheriff are present in our town and community engagement has created strong relationships. It has helped transformed our community into a safer place."
Mayor Stephen Tumbleston
Mayor Town of Ravenel, SC
"We enjoy our small town feel and do whatever it takes to preserve it. Our partnership with Charleston County Sheriff Graziano has never been stronger. She is always attentive to our community, is engaged in community events and functions, and always includes us in crisis planning and operations. She is a true leader with a passion for serving all people."
Mayor Buster Herrington
Mayor of Meggett, SC
"My background is being a former sheriff, an advisor and adjunct instructor for the Department of Justice's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention for over 25 years along with an advisor and instructor for the National Criminal Justice Training Center. I was vice president and a partner in the Clarence M. Kelley Group of Companies, a nationally recognized investigation and security consulting group started by Mr. Kelley after retiring as the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I have served on several state and federal law enforcement related committees including the U.S. Attorney General's Law Enforcement Coordinating Commission. All positions that allowed and provided me the privilege to work with law enforcement agencies throughout the United States. Being a part time resident of Charleston County since 2003 and now a permanent resident, I have witnessed and can attest to the professional manner in which Sheriff Graziano oversees the Sheriff's Department. She enforces the law and administers justice equally without regard to a person's status within the community or political party. She has demonstrated and vows to keep improving services for the protection and benefit for all Charleston County residents while providing those incarcerated an opportunity to improve their ability to gain employment and become honest, tax paying citizens of our county and not a tax liability. Equally, if not more importantly, I can see the respect she has for the officers and staff of the sheriff's department along with all those who have chosen a profession to serve and protect the citizens of their communities, states or nation."
Terry Campbell
Former Kansas Sheriff & Resident of Charleston County since 2003
“As a voting resident of Charleston county I follow the accomplishments of elected officials and pay attention to whether they live up to the promises they made while campaigning for votes. Once in office, many public officials have short memories, or insufficient capabilities to deliver on the things they pledged to do. Kristin Graziano is a rare and wonderful exception. In her first term, she brought improvements and innovations that were needed for years. And,as the former superintendent of Charleston County School District (CCSD), I have been especially impressed by her focus on education. Under her leadership, both adult and juvenile residents are provided opportunities to acquire new knowledge and skills. Sheriff Graziano has opened up pathways to help them turn their lives in a positive direction. All incarcerated youth participate in educational programs to obtain high school diplomas or GED credentials. The program has graduated juveniles with career-based certificates so they can be job-ready when they move out of detention. Adults are also benefiting from the focus on education. The Sheriff opened the first-ever library which is staffed by a librarian and accessible to all detention center residents. Even more impressive is her initiative to break the cycle of recidivism by helping residents earn college degrees. Her new program successfully graduated pre-adjudicated residents with college degrees in less than 2 years. I am not the only educator who recognizes the extraordinary accomplishments of this first term Charleston sheriff. Sheriff Kristin Graziano received national recognition on the Senate Floor in Washington, DC, by the Barbara Bush Foundation’s “All In” program. This prestigious group acknowledged her efforts to reduce adult illiteracy. While some law enforcement leaders want to simply keep building bigger jails, our sheriff’s aim is to reduce the likelihood of individuals entering the criminal justice system. She is working toward creating a safer, more equitable community where justice and opportunity is valued and preserved. She deserves our appreciation and support.”
Nancy McGinley
CCSD Superintendent 2007- 2014
"LGBTQ+ Victory Fund is pleased to endorse Kristin Graziano for Charleston County Sheriff,” said Mayor Annise Parker, President & CEO of LGBTQ+ Victory Fund.
“Kristin has emphasized inclusion in her current term and is dedicated to fostering a connected community for all." When she is re-elected in November, Kristin will be the ONLY openly LGBTQ+ elected official in the state and will continue serving Charleston County beyond the call. "
Victory Fund, CEO Annise Parker
“Sheriff Kristin was elected to office four years ago on the promise of changing the culture of the Charleston County Sheriff's Office from an environment of abuse, fear and retaliation to an environment that is focused on supporting a well-trained and experienced staff that helps keep people out of the corrections system in the first place and helps those in that system make better choices in the future so they do not return.”
Charlie Smith
Broker & VP of AFFA '98-'05